02 Nov In Conversation with Haroshi: London
It’s the last weekend to experience Haroshi’s incredible ‘Pain’ solo show! Today our conversation series with Haroshi continues as we discuss his recent trip to London…
StolenSpace: How was your recent trip to London to see the opening of your new show? What was the highlight of your trip?
Haroshi: It was just great. It was like coming out of a long tunnel. I think I was working for more than a half year just for this show. People in London were all so nice, so it was fun. StolenSpace booked a hotel room for me right above the gallery. So I would be peeking everyday and checking up on what kind of people were coming in to see the show (laugh). Some passerby would give a glance, becomes surprised, go in, and come out and take a photo of my works as they leave. There were so many people like that. Small things like that made me really happy. It makes me feel good to see people who didn’t even know about my works take interest. When I show my works in New York, it’s usually put up at a gallery space where it’s quite difficult to get to unless you know. So this time, I felt that the show was open to a wider audience, and that made it fun. Days like that were the highlights of my trip.
‘Pain’ is open until 3rd November at StolenSpace Gallery.