Press Allison Hueman who was in our recent December Group Show, has just completed a mural in Downtown San Francisco. Her biggest to date, it measures a massive 90 feet wide! Check out the incredible time-laspe video of this talented artist in action above. She has been recently featured...

Maya Hayuk Location: Brooklyn, NY "This year has been a groundbreaking one for Maya Hayuk, as she mounted not only her first solo museum exhibition in the U.S., which was hosted by the renowned Hammer Museum. The artist created impressive murals for Deitch's "Women on the Walls"...

Kai and Sunny's Migration East has been included into the Victoria and Albert Museum's print collection! The print has been accepted as part of the Ghost of Gone Birds portfolio by Frances Rankine - Curator of Prints. ...

Hi-Fructose visited Kelly Allen's studio and took some great photos.  You can see the whole set here. You can see more of Kelly's work in the next StolenSpace Group Show, Wild Life, which opens on Thursday night at 6pm. ...

Vandalog have posted some preview photos of Word To Mother's upcoming StolenSpace solo show, Essence of Adolescence, which opens on 13th October. Photos by Viktor Vauthier. You can see more preview photos here. Some of Word To Mother's work can be seen and bought from the StolenSpace...