

Born in Dartford, Kent, in 1970, as a child Bray would apparently draw images of space travel, depicting himself and his friends visiting other Planets and Universes. As he grew older he began to explore a dark, egotistical fantasy world, which is still apparent in the work he makes today.


Bray is influenced and inspired by a wide range of artists: from sculptor Allen Jones, photographer Helmut Newton and paintings by Gustav Klimt. Bray creates delicate and time-consuming drawings which explore emotion, utopia and a world of fantasy through his subject matter of the beautiful and erotic. His compelling works reveal his lifetime love of drawing and a very active imagination.

Recently, Bray has started to explore landscape scenes through his nature inspired  oil and watercolour paintings. It was his move out of London and into the countryside that had a significant influence on this artistic transition, as well as the closer connection this provided to nature. His landscape scenes are wholly atmospheric and sometimes even bleak in tone, offering a close depiction of British country scenes.


Bray has exhibited in galleries from London to the USA, and has also collaborated with many different brands, including Agent Provocateur, Puma and Absolut, as well as media channels such as the BBC and MTV.


Past Exhibition, Exhibition, David Bray Exhibition, Evoca1 Exhibition, Kai & Sunny Exhibition, Miss Van Exhibition, OKER Exhibition, Yoon Hyup Exhibition, Brusk Exhibition
Kai & Sunny Exhibition, Miss Van Exhibition, Paul Stephenson Exhibition, Jason Woodside Exhibition, OKUDA Exhibition, Past Exhibition, The Lost Object Exhibition, Exhibition, ryca exhibition, Will Barras Exhibition, Augustine Kofie Exhibition, Ben Frost Exhibition, Zest Exhibition, Vinnie Nylon Exhibition, PichiAvo Exhibitions, C215 Exhibition, Dface Exhibition, Sylvia Ji Exhibition, David Bray Exhibition, Shepard Fairey Exhibition, Ronzo Exhibition