Exhibition Dates: 01.06.23 – 02.07.23
Exhibition Dates: 01.06.23 – 02.07.23
StolenSpace Gallery is excited to welcome back the British artist Dan Rawlings, for his second solo exhibition with us, titled: ’It Went Like This’.
Rawlings has a unique style, sympathetic to nature’s resilience, and explorative of how “forgotten” relics in the urban landscape merge into the natural world. ‘It Went Like This’ uses signage and sculptural installations relating to oil and hazardous chemical substances, to comment on their placement and consequences to nature.
Evident in his artworks is Rawlings’ strong interest in ecology, representing plants and foliage like Hawthorn, Nettles, and Brambles, known for their ability to thrive in extreme climatic conditions, while benefiting from the waste humans produce.
His considered choices in his work creates a vision of a world where man’s impact is slowly being reclaimed by nature, with it’s resilience to thrive and survive.
Rawlings has gained global recognition for his masterful manipulation of metal and light, conceived with intricate hand-cut works of art, which cast equally impactful and beautiful shadows. In this new body of work, Rawlings encourages the viewer to reflect on their role in the natural world, and how our choices contribute to or take away from the planet. His artworks mirror a future in which we can question, reflect, and determine whether or not we will say: “It Went Like This”.